Secret Society of Super-Villains #15 (July 1978)
title: "The Wizard's War of the Worlds!"
writer: Bob Rozakis
penciller: Mike Vosburg
inker: Bob Smith
letterer: Jean Simek
colorist: Carl Gafford
editor: Jack C. Harris
letter column: Jack C. Harris
cover: Rich Buckler & Dick Giordano
Order of Appearance: The Freedom Fighters all appear in one group scene on the very last page of the issue.
Guest Stars: Dr. Mid-Nite, Golden Age Atom
Supporting Characters:
Captain Comet
Silver Ghost, Mirror Master, and Copperhead in the Freedom Fighters' related story; The Wizard, Plant Master, Blockbuster, Star Sapphire, and Professor Zoom in the Justice Society related story.
Overall Summary:
The Silver Ghost commissions the Secret Society of Super-Villains to help him kill the Freedom Fighters!
Plot Summary:
The man, cloaked in an overcoat, arrives. He wants to confer with Copperhead and Mirror Master to create a team for a mysterious mission. Together the three of them review the files on the membership of the Society.
Eventually the client decides on which villains he wants to hire. He then reveals himself to be the Silver Ghost, and the mission he wants undertaken is the murder of the Freedom Fighters!
While the Wizard and his four allies are planning on taking down the individual members of the Justice Society on Earth-2, Mirror Master and Copperhead arrive at the headquarters of the Secret Society in San Francisco on Earth-1 to prepare for the arrival of a mysterious client.
I am definitely one of those people who buy team books just because they're team books. I bought Secret Society of Super-Villains off and on during its run, but when the Wizard targeted the Justice Society, as an avid JSA fan I was hooked. Then on the last page of this story when I see that the mysterious client is none other than the Silver Ghost, I let out a gasp. A cross-over with another of my favorite teams! I could hardly wait!
Then came Freedom Fighters #15, and the announcement that it was the last issue of that book. I was sad to see it go, but I had already seen THIS. I knew their story was going to be continued and perhaps even concluded! I was still totally optimistic that things would somehow work out!
Be here next week for the next installment of "Little Russell Burbage's Heart Gets Broken: Russell Is Confused," otherwise known as the review for Black Lightning #11.
The Silver Ghost Moment

The murderer calmly and clearly states his objective.
He has his eyes on the prize, for sure.
Freedom of Information
- The Freedom Fighters do not appear in this story.
- The Silver Ghost's skin is colored silver in this story.
- The Sizematic Twins and Quakemaster were both created by Bob Rozakis.

The Freedom Fighters
assembled by Len Wein
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