Tsunami, Baron Blitzkrieg, the Imperial Japanese Navy
Overall Summary:
The All-Star Squadron defeats Tsunami on Earth 2 while the Freedom Fighters defeat Baron Blitzkrieg on Earth-X, and the Spectre is still dead.
All-Star Squadron #34 (June 1984)
title: "The Wrath of Tsunami!"
writer/editor: Roy Thomas
penciller: Rick Hoberg
inker: Bill Collins
letterer: Cody
colorist: Gene D'Angelo
letter column: Roy Thomas
cover: Rick Hoberg & Jerry Ordway
Japanese Imperial Navy (on two worlds), Tsunami, Baron Blitzkrieg
Overall Summary:
The All-Star Squadron are involved in would-be invasions of Santa Barbara, CA on TWO worlds, as the Spectre fights to keep them from smashing into each other!
Japanese Imperial Navy (on two worlds), Tsunami, Baron Blitzkrieg
Overall Summary:
The Freedom Fighters are on Earth-X trying to stop a full-scale invasion of Santa Barbara by the Japanese Navy. Meanwhile, a small group of All-Star Squadron members are on their Earth investigating a potential Japanese invasion there, too.
Japanese Navy, German Army, Baron Blitzkrieg
Overall Summary:
Uncle Sam and Doll Man tell their individual tales of woe, which converge in an invasion of Santa Barbara, CA!