Who's Who
The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #24
(Feb 1987)
cover: Eduardo Barreto
editor: Robert Greenberger
contributing editor: Len Wein
contributing writers: Paul Levitz, Jonathan Peterson, Bob Rozakis, Greg Weisman
contributing writers/researchers: E. Nelson Bridwell, Peter Sanderson
production: Todd Klein
researcher: Art Young
colorists: Anthony Tollin, Len Wein, Tatjana Wood
copy editor: Carl Gafford
Featuring: Uncle Sam

Art by Murphy Anderson

Because this is the last Freedom Fighter entry in Who's Who, this is the then-current retconned continuity as DC had decided it was going to play out. Uncle Sam (and the other Fighters) were no longer from Earth-X (or from Earth 2 for that matter), but they THOUGHT they were. This continuity went away pretty quickly, though. I mean, I never read that these characters remembered Earth-X in any of their forthcoming appearances. Granted, there weren't very many, but Jay Garrick, for example, when he finally made his way back to continuity, he didn't think he was from Earth 2.
Now that DC had committed to having these Freedom Fighters be the SAME Fighers from World War 2, rather than their descendants, it was necessary to make it crystal clear that Uncle Sam doesn't age, and that is why his team-mates are still young, too.
Next Week: One LAST Who's Who entry.....!
Freedom of Information
- Uncle Sam appears on the back cover.
- Murphy Anderson has one last opportunity to illustrate his favorite Quality Comics characters in Who's Who. This is not the last time we will see Mr. Anderson, however....!

The Freedom Fighters
assembled by Len Wein
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