Wednesday, May 29, 2024

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #11

CRISIS on Infinite Earths # 11 (Feb 1986)
title: "Aftershock"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inker: Jerry Ordway
letterer: John Costanza
colorist: Carl Gafford
cover: George Perez

Order of Appearance: Phantom Lady and Uncle Sam are the only Freedom Fighters who appear in this story; Doll Man and the Ray join Phantom Lady and Uncle Sam in a cameo in Harbinger's re-telling of DC History

Other Stars: Superman of Earth 1, Superman of Earth 2, Jay Garrick Flash, Kid Flash, the Huntress, Robin of Earth 2, Wonder Girl, Batman, Harbinger, Alexander Luthor, Pariah, and a cast of hundreds

Opponents: The aftereffects of the Crisis, the anti-matter shadow demons, the Anti-Monitor

Overall Summary: 
The Crisis is over? After the events at the Dawn of Time, all worlds have somehow merged into one!? So where does that leave Earth-X and the Freedom Fighters?    

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #10

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #s 10 (Jan 1986)
title: "Death At The Dawn Of Time!"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inker: Jerry Ordway
letterer: John Costanza
colorist: Anthony Tollin
cover: George Perez

Order of Appearance: The Ray, the Human Bomb, Uncle Sam, and Phantom Lady

Other Stars: The Spectre, Batman, Atom (E2), Fury, Robin (E1), Superman (E2), Wonder Woman (E2), Metamorpho, Norda, Hawkman (E2), Harbinger, Alexander Luthor, Pariah, and a cast of hundreds.

Opponents: The Anti-Monitor, Krona, Silver Ghost, Calendar Man, Deathbolt, Emerald Empress, the Dummy, the Tigress/Huntress, and a cast of hundreds

Overall Summary: 
The Spectre brings all of the super-heroes to the Dawn of Time in order to stop the Anti-Monitor from changing the positive universe into the anti-matter one.    

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #9

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #s 9 (Dec 1985)
title: "War Zone!"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inker: Jerry Ordway
letterer: John Costanza
colorist: Anthony Tollin
cover: George Perez

Order of Appearance: Black Condor, Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, the Human Bomb, Firebrand, and Doll Man 

Other Stars: Starman, Halo, Hawkman (E2), Silver Scarab, Superman (E2), Katana, Wildcat (2), Dr. Mid-Nite, Johnny Thunder, Obsidian, Harbinger, Alexander Luthor (E3), Pariah, and a cast of hundreds

Opponents: Silver Ghost, the Joker, Poison Ivy, JasonWoodrue, Blockbuster, Dr. Phosphorus, Mr.Mind, Sumo, Captain Nazi, the Scarecrow, Cheshire, Shadow Thief, Star Sapphire, the Mist, the Anti-Monitor, and a cast of hundreds

Overall Summary: 
The Crisis has ended, so the super-villains of five Earths band together and STRIKE!   

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

CRISIS On Infinite Earths #7

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #7 (Oct 1985)
title: "Beyond the Silent Night!"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inkers: Jerry Ordway & Dick Giordano
colorist: Tom Ziuko
letterer: John Costanza
cover: George Perez

Order of Appearance: the Human Bomb, Phantom Lady, Uncle Sam, Doll Man, Firebrand, and the Ray 

Other Stars: Starfire, Steel (Earth-1), Harbinger, Alexander Luthor, Pariah, Superman, Lady Quark, Firestorm, Supergirl, and a literal cast of thousands

Opponents: The Anti-Monitor and his lackey, the Psycho-Pirate

Overall Summary: 
Representatives of six Earths get together to learn the Origin of the Crisis, then they head to the anti-matter universe to strike at the Anti-Monitor's machinery in an attempt to stop the Crisis.    

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #6

CRISIS on Infinite Earths #6 (Sept 1985)
title: "3 Earths! 3 Deaths!"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inker: Jerry Ordway
letterer: John Costanza
colorist: Tom Ziuko
cover: George Perez

Order of Appearance: The Ray, the Human Bomb, Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, Doll Man, and Black Condor 

Other Stars: Norda, Hawkman (Earth-2), Dr Light, Starfire, Steel (Earth-1), Harbinger, Alexander Luthor, Pariah, and a literal cast of thousands

Opponents: The Crisis, as brought about by the Anti-Monitor and his lackey, the Psycho Pirate 

Overall Summary: 
The Crisis is about to destroy three more Earths, including Earth-X! And to hasten the deaths of untold billions, the Anti-Monitor uses Psycho Pirate's emotional powers to cause all people on all three Earths to become suicidal. So the Freedom Fighters come out fighting against the super-heroes sent to help them!