CRISIS on Infinite Earths #s 9 (Dec 1985)
title: "War Zone!"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inker: Jerry Ordway
letterer: John Costanza
colorist: Anthony Tollin
cover: George Perez
Order of Appearance: Black Condor, Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, the Human Bomb, Firebrand, and Doll Man
Other Stars: Starman, Halo, Hawkman (E2), Silver Scarab, Superman (E2), Katana, Wildcat (2), Dr. Mid-Nite, Johnny Thunder, Obsidian, Harbinger, Alexander Luthor (E3), Pariah, and a cast of hundreds
Opponents: Silver Ghost, the Joker, Poison Ivy, JasonWoodrue, Blockbuster, Dr. Phosphorus, Mr.Mind, Sumo, Captain Nazi, the Scarecrow, Cheshire, Shadow Thief, Star Sapphire, the Mist, the Anti-Monitor, and a cast of hundreds
Overall Summary:
The Crisis has ended, so the super-villains of five Earths band together and STRIKE!
Lex Luthor and Brainiac from Earth 1 have gathered the best-known super-villains from each of the five remaining Earths at Brainiac's space-ship. Brainiac cannot sense the presence of the Anti-Monitor in their shared universe, so he believes that the Crisis is over. They decide to split up and take over the five worlds while everything is in chaos.
On each world there is a "warp zone" where one world "overlaps" with the one "next" to it. In those areas various pasts, the present, and futures are merging back and forth with each other.

At the United Nations on Earth 1, Harbinger, Alexander Luthor (from Earth 3), and Pariah are explaining to the world representatives about the Crisis and the time fluxes when they are interrupted by Brainiac and Luthor (E1). The villains tell the world that their band of super-villains have taken over Earths 4, S, and X. They want Earths 1 and 2 to surrender to their control, too, or they will destroy the other three Earths. They say this would cause a domino effect and destroy everyone.
Of course, the super-heroes refuse. Initially they can't get through the force fields put up by Brainiac and Luthor to keep them out, but eventually Jay Garrick and Wally West use the cosmic treadmill and break through the barriers. This allows the heroes of Earths 1 and 2 to follow them through. The battle is on!
On Brainiac's ship, as he and Luthor continue to plot, they are surprised by a mental attack by Psimon, who utterly destroys Brainiac with a brain-blast of his own!
The Freedom Fighters (and the Marvel Family, and the Charleton heroes such as Blue Beetle) just wanted to return to their worlds and relax. Then they were attacked by some of the worst super-villains in five universes! It's no wonder they were captured.
This issue presents all of the worst characters of the DC Universe, banded together to try to cause as much havoc as possible. I think the worst scene in the book is where Luthor and Brainiac admit that they don't care how many of their would-be allies survive, THEY intend to rule over whoever lives. What evil!
The art by George Perez and Jerry Ordway is gorgeous. ALL the good guys as well as ALL the bad guys look marvelous. And another shout-out to the colorists, Anthony Tollin (original colorist) and Tom McCaw (color reconstruction and enhancement). Besides all the explosions and city-scapes, the gorgeous jungles on Earth-X and the fantastic ice city on Earth-S, all of the colors just POP. It's truly an amazing job.
Freedom of Information
- The Ray does not appear in this story.
- You may think that Doll Man is not in this story, either, but look closely at the flower right behind the Joker: Doll Man is trapped inside!
- The Silver Ghost reappears in this story, hearty and hale after trying to hire the Secret Society of Super-Villains to kill the Freedom Fighters in SSOSV #15.

The Freedom Fighters
assembled by Len Wein
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