CRISIS on Infinite Earths #6 (Sept 1985)
title: "3 Earths! 3 Deaths!"
writer/editor: Marv Wolfman
penciller: George Perez
inker: Jerry Ordway
letterer: John Costanza
colorist: Tom Ziuko
cover: George Perez
Order of Appearance: The Ray, the Human Bomb, Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, Doll Man, and Black Condor
Other Stars: Norda, Hawkman (Earth-2), Dr Light, Starfire, Steel (Earth-1), Harbinger, Alexander Luthor, Pariah, and a literal cast of thousands
Opponents: The Crisis, as brought about by the Anti-Monitor and his lackey, the Psycho Pirate
Overall Summary:
The Crisis is about to destroy three more Earths, including Earth-X! And to hasten the deaths of untold billions, the Anti-Monitor uses Psycho Pirate's emotional powers to cause all people on all three Earths to become suicidal. So the Freedom Fighters come out fighting against the super-heroes sent to help them!
The Anti-Monitor boosts the abilities of the Psycho-Pirate, who then emotionally controls all the people on Earth-S (home of Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family), Earth 4 (home of Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and other Charleton heroes), and Earth-X, home of the Freedom Fighters.

On the Monitor's satellite head-quarters, several super-heroes from Earths 1 and 2 are preparing to go to the other three Earths to recruit those super-heroes. However, Anti-Monitor blasts it. Before it explodes, Harbinger successfully sends the super-heroes to the three Earths to complete their mission.

On Earth-X, Steel, Starfire, and Dr. Light from Earth 1 and Hawkman, and Norda from Earth 2 try to communicate with the Freedom Fighters, but they are being made to feel fear by the Psycho Pirate. The Ray blasts Norda and Dr. Light. Black Condor slams into Hawkman before Starfire blasts him. Uncle Sam attacks Steel.

Eventually Harbinger is able to "grab" the three Earths, freeing them from the grip of the Anti-Monitor and the emotional control of the Psycho Pirate. She puts them on similar vibrational planes with Earth 1 and Earth 2, even though she admits to Alexander Luthor that this is only a temporary measure.

After five months, the Freedom Fighters on Earth-X finally have their moment in the spotlight. Yes, they are controlled by the Psycho Pirate, but they still manage to put up a pretty good fight against the other super-heroes.

Uncle Sam, the Ray, and Black Condor get the lion's share of the attention, but we do see Phantom Lady, Doll Man, and the Human Bomb. No sign of Firebrand yet.
I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, but that George Perez sure draws a great bunch of Freedom Fighters!
Black Condor Moment 

Black Condor slams into E-2 Hawkman
The Ray Moment

The Ray knocks out Dr. Light
Uncle Sam Moment

Uncle Sam is not successful in his direct attack against Steel
Additional Moment

This is a Cross-Over, remember?
So although the scenes above occurred in CRISIS #6,
the same battle scene was also presented in the pages of
New Teen Titans (v2) #13 (Oct 1985)
writer: Marv Wolfman
penciller: Eduardo Barreto
inker: Romeo Tanghal
letterer: Bob Lappan
colorist: Adrienne Roy
Freedom of Information
- Firebrand does not appear in this story.
- Although Starfire is a New Teen Titan, she was not featured in the scene battling the Freedom Fighters in New Teen Titans #13.

The Freedom Fighters
assembled by Len Wein
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