Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Secret Origins #19

 Secret Origins #19 (Oct 1987)
title: "The Coming of Uncle Sam"
writer: Len Wein
pencils & inks: Murphy Anderson
letterer: Milt Snapinn
colorist: Shelley Eiber
editors: Greg Weisman & Roy Thomas
cover: Brent Anderson & Jack Kirby

Order of Appearance: Uncle Sam is the only Freedom Fighter to appear in this story

Supporting Character(s): Buddy, Sam's would-be side-kick

Opponents: The Black Legion

Overall Summary: 
Uncle Sam is created when a colonist gives his life during the US Revolutionary War. Uncle Sam wakes up 150 years later and is "reincarnated" against home-ground terrorists!     

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Secret Origins #8

Secret Origins #8 (date)
title: "Doll Man"
writer/creative editor: Roy Thomas
pencils & inks: Murphy Anderson
letterer: David Cody Weiss
colorist: Carl Gafford
coordinating editor: Robert Greenberger
cover: Steve Lightle

Order of Appearance: Doll Man is the only Freedom Fighter to appear in this story

Supporting Character(s): Martha Roberts, Professor Roberts

Opponents: Falco the blackmailer

Overall Summary: 
Darrel Dane impetuously drinks a shrinking potion and becomes the 6-inch tall Doll Man. His first case is to rescue his fiancée from a blackmailer!   

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Who's Who in the DCU Update '87 #1


Who's Who Update '87
The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 
#1 (Aug 1987)
cover: Joe Brozowski & Dick Giordano
editor: Robert Greenberger
contributing writers: Mike W. Barr, Todd Klein, Paul Levitz, 
John Ostrander, Barbara Randall, Bob Rozakis, Len Wein
contributing writer/researcher: Peter Sanderson
production: Steven Bove
colorist: Anthony Tollin
copy editor: Art Young

Featuring: The All-Star Squadron

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Who's Who in the DCU #24


Who's Who
The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #24 
(Feb 1987)
cover: Eduardo Barreto
editor: Robert Greenberger
contributing editor: Len Wein
contributing writers: Paul Levitz, Jonathan Peterson, Bob Rozakis, Greg Weisman
contributing writers/researchers: E. Nelson Bridwell, Peter Sanderson
production: Todd Klein
researcher: Art Young
colorists: Anthony Tollin, Len Wein, Tatjana Wood
copy editor: Carl Gafford

Featuring: Uncle Sam

Monday, August 5, 2024

Justice League #56 "Whatever Happened to the Freedom Fighters?" (part two)

The only thing you need to know to enjoy this story if you are already aware of the Freedom Fighters' history is that in order to drag these adventures into more recent history I decided to swap out Earth-2 Superman with Power Girl. I also made the Sandman into the newer, younger Sandy Hawkins version. I hope these changes don't prevent you from enjoying "my" take on these three super groups!

What has gone-before department: 

Red Tornado has asked the participants from the JLA-JSA get-together to figure out what happened to the Freedom Fighters after they moved to Earth-1. The two teams search for clues to the Fighters' whereabouts. They learn that the Fighters recently battled members of the Secret Society of Super-Villains and were captured by them! Green Arrow and Power Girl rescue the Ray, who had managed to escape. Dr. Fate uses his mystical powers to locate the other Fighters, and now the JLA-JSA head towards a showdown with the SSOSV! 

You can read the story yourself here: Justice League #55