This brings up a question I had when introducing Felix: what is the difference between a wizard and a sorceror? I remember I could not decide which English word to use for the Japanese "maho-tsukai." I know I was leaning towards using the "wizard," if only because some people might be familiar with it from things like "The Wizard of Oz." Plus I was already going to use a character called The Weather Wizard so I figured it would muddy the water a little less to stick to one word. HOWEVER, as soon as I realized that the female version of "wizard" is "witch," and I didn't want to call Zatanna a "witch." So I went with sorceror and sorceress. If you read this and find that I used the word "wizard" anywhere, please let me know!
This is one of my favorite covers, but mostly because it was a direct steal from Murphy Anderson's version from JLA #10. I, of course, actually used this visual when I had ten members to dispatch. The story, too, is based on this actual comic, but my story is more straight-forward than the original source.
I took yet another type of beginning for this adventure: I start with Green Arrow on monitory duty in the satellite bemoaning that he is stuck there while others are having adventures. I always liked this type of opening when it appeared in the real JLA comics; it made it feel like the DC universe was vast and always busy. So I was anxious to use the same set-up myself when I got the chance. It also allows me to write the first appearance in "my" DC universe of Aquaman's wife, Mera, and his brother, Ocean Master, along with re-appearances of Robin and Hawkman. In fact, all of these characters would make repeat appearances.
This was the last issue I did during the 1992-93 fiscal/school year, which means it was printed in February or March 1993. I didn't know it then, but this turned out to be the last issue that my good friend Mariko-san helped me with. From April 1993 she got a real job and was no longer able to help me. I did find others to pick up the slack, but looking back I see that she and I had a real connection that I was not able to re-create immediately with anybody else. So here's a final tip of the hat and waist-level bow to Tadokoro-san. She was the first and one of the best assistants I could have asked for.
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