I first came across him as the writer of Aquaman's series in ADVENTURE COMICS. He didn't stay on that title very long, only seven issues, (441-447) but this did include the classic Karshon storyline where Aquaman gives up the throne of Atlantis.
The next time I came across his name he was the writer of another of my favorites, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES. One of the first things he did was to kill off one of my favorite members, Chemical King. I eventually forgave him for this, but for years it annoyed the hell out of me. He didn't stay on this title very long this time, but he did write the classic "Earth War" saga during this run.
Then I saw his name on the Justice Society series in ALL STAR COMICS. He helped create The Huntress, who was the daughter of another dimension's Batman and Catwoman, all grown up as a super-heroine in her own right. This was a great series full of wonderful characters.
Around this time he was also made editor of the BATMAN family of books. He did a good job on them, as I recall, and I bought most of them.
And finally, Levitz returned to LEGION just in time to lead it to its pinnacle of success, both creatively and commercially. With such artists as Pat Broderick, Keith Giffen, Steve Lightle, Dan Jurgens, and Greg LaRoque Levitz created an inter-woven mythic universe that has never been bettered. He wrote the series for nearly ten years, including such classic storylines as The Great Darkness, The Crisis, Who Is Sensor Girl, The Universo Project, The Greatest Legionnaire, Revenge Against The Time Trapper, and The Magic Wars.
Thank you, Paul Levitz, for years and years of fine entertainment!
Happy Birthday,
and many happy returns!

my autographed copy of "Who Is Sensor Girl?" from LSH 25
my autographed copy of Death Of A Prince
(with Mike Grell's autograph, too!)
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