Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Birthday, Statue of Liberty!

The Statue of Liberty, standing tall in New York Harbor welcoming your tired, your poor, and your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, was officially dedicated on October 28, 1886. That makes her 127 years old today!

If you have never seen her, you should plan a trip. Going to Liberty Island and going to the top of the crown is not for everybody (height and confined spaces could be issues) but to see her from either the New York or New Jersey shore is still worth the effort. And if you do visit the island, you'll see the history of the statue and various copies of pieces of her. It's a cool place, especially as it has been recently renovated after Hurricane Sandy damage. I've been there twice, and enjoyed it both times.

Lady Liberty may have started as a French character, but the Statue of Liberty has become something all-American.  
Happy Birthday, Statue of Liberty
and Thank You, France!

For a detailed history of the statue, visit The Statue of Liberty History page.

aerial photo by ABC News

with my buddy Brian in 2010
did you know the date on her tablet was July 4, 1776?

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