It took all the classic situation comedy building blocks (loving wife, goofy work friends, sane main character surrounded by chaos) and somehow worked it into magic. For six years, it was a wonderfully entertaining show.
Bob Newhart portrayed Robert Hartley, Ph.D, who was a psychologist in Chicago.Suzanne Pleshette was his lovely school-teacher wife, Emily. When I was a kid, she was one of my first crushes. She was strong, vocal, good at her job, and pretty as hell. What wasn't to like? Bill Daily, who I also enjoyed on I DREAM OF JEANNIE, portrayed utterly clueless neighbor Howard Borden. Rounding out the cast was Bob's receptionist Carol, portrayed by Marcia Wallace, and his dentist friend Jerry, portrayed by Peter Bonerz. I also loved seeing some of Bob's more neurotic patients, especially Mr. Carlin, portrayed by Jack Riley. There was also mousey Mr. Peterson, portrayed by John Fiedler (who was also the voice of Piglet in the Disney movies).
I had the great good fortune to meet Marcia Wallace on one of her trips to Columbus' Mid-Ohio Comic Con. She signed a copy of her autobiography as well as one of my BOB NEWHART DVD covers. She seemed like a lovely person.
Suzanne Pleshette passed away in 2008. The rest of the cast is still whole and hearty.
The last two seasons are still not available on DVD. Here's hoping this happens soon!
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