Believe it or not, today (December 30) is the birthday of TWO members of The Monkees... Michael Nesmith was born on December 30, 1942 and Davy Jones on 30 December 1945 (because he's British, don'tcha know). Of course, we lost Davy this past February at the age of 66.
When I was a kid I used to watch The Monkees on TV all the time. I listened to my sisters' Monkees' albums and became a second generation fan. I think I believed that they were a real group on a real show, much more than I believed in, say, Mr. Spock really flying around the universe on Star Trek. I never bought into the idea that these guys were not talented; I mean, I saw singers lip-synching on American Bandstand etc all the time. To me they were true musicians, and I believe that they belong in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; more so, in fact, than some of the acts that the jury has already inducted.
Unfortunately, Davy didn't live long enough for this one last accolade. All he had was the love of millions of people around the world. And as we toast Mr. Michael Nesmith on his reaching the epic 7-0 this year, we must light a candle for our dear departed Davy.
I leave you with two of my favorites of their songs....
Today is the anniversary of Texas being admitted to our United States of America.
Date of Admittance:December 28, 1845
word "texas" is from the Native American word "techas," spelled in Spanish with an "x." The word evidently means "friends" or "allies." True story: Texas fought and won its independence from Mexico in 1836. While it was negotiating to become a State it had no choice but to declare itself its own country. From 1836 to 1845 it was The Republic of Texas.
Place in the Family
Number 28
Texas came nine months after Florida (March 1845)
and a year after Iowa (12-28-46).
It is the *last* State to join in December.
On to January!!
This is nice; probably because of its name (see above)
The Lone-Star State
This nick-name comes from the Republic's flag, which always featured a single star. (The background was blue and the star was yellow until the current design was created in 1839.)
On the License Plate
I have only seen this one,
but evidently this one is the newest/current design:
State Flag
White star on a blue field, with red and white stripes. Blue is loyalty, red is bravery, and white is purity.
I like this. Simple but elegant.
First City You Probably Think of
When You Think "Texas"
Actual State Capital:Austin
State Size (Area) is 2nd of 50 Population is closer to 2nd of 50
(per 2000 Census figures)
Texas Sports: NFL (Dallas Cowboys)
NFL (Houston Texans)
MLB(Texas Rangers) MLB(Houston Astros)
NBA(Dallas Mavericks)
NBA(Houston Rockets)
NBA(San Antonio Spurs)
NHL (Dallas Stars)
Anybody From Texas Ever Grow Up To Be President? Yes! Not only did the 36th President Lyndon Johnson come from Texas, but when it was a Republic four men served as *her* President! (of course, none of them were actually born in Texas!)
Thirty years later, 43rd President George W. Bush went from being Governor of Texas to being the President of the US.