So in 1984 there was this little movie called ROMANCING THE STONE. It
was considered sort of a female version/take-off of RAIDERS OF THE LOST
ARK, even though the script was actually written several years before
RAIDERS' was. Kathleen Turner starred as Joan Wilder, a romance novelist who
becomes involved with international jewel thieves in Columbia, and
Michael Douglas as Jack Colton, a bird exporter and jack-of-all trades.
Danny DeVito was also featured as one of the bumbling smugglers.
Grant was coming off of phenomenal success with two huge UK hits, "I
Don't Want to Dance" and "Electric Avenue." He was commissioned to write
and perform "Romancing the Stone" for the movie, but then for some
reason he and the producers (who included star Michael Douglas) had a
falling out, and the song was not used on the sound-track. You can hear
it barely in one scene in the movie.
But I always liked
it, so here it both the official "movie" version (which I swear
I remember seeing on MTV or Night Tracks or somewhere) and then after
the fall-out, a non-offiicial non-movie tie-in video version. I don't
remember EVER seeing this one! AND just for you completists out there, a
live version from 1986.
Enjoy, and let me know which one you like better.
The official Movie Tie-In version....sound is good, but picture is bad
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